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Train with your own weight using the power tower. It's an old-school, back-to-basics workout that doesn't require loose weights or different devices. Boxers and gymnasts have been using this style of training to gain the strength and flexibility needed to practice their sport for years now. A power tower is ideal for home use, so you can train whenever you want.
With a power tower, also known as a pull-up tower or pull-up dip station, you train the core muscles. This allows you to handle a higher intensity during a workout, gain better endurance while doing strength exercises and generally get stronger. You also train the muscles of your upper body, such as the delta muscles, pectoral muscles and back muscles. In addition, the muscles that ensure a good body posture, straight back and balance are taken care of during a power tower workout. The pull-up rod allows you to train the upper body through chin-ups and pull-ups. The push-up support enables you to do push-ups and dips. In addition, many power towers let you perform leg raises for working on the lower body.