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Exercising and a solid workout is healthy, but not everyone likes to go to the gym. Or maybe you just don't have time to drive to the gym, get changed and socialize. In that case, a home gym is ideal. A home gym can be adapted to your own workout goals. From extensive and complex to simple, a home gym is available in all sorts of shapes and sizes. But they always offer a variety of workout opportunities. Anyone can use a home gym, whether you're a beginner or advanced. They are multifunctional, ergonomic and very effective if you combine this with a consistent workout discipline.
Training with a home gym instead of using loose elements has the advantage of a reduced risk of injury. A home gym is designed based on the body's natural movements. Axes and attachment points are located in the places where you start your workout. This prevents overloading yourself or making wrong movements. In addition, you don't need a second person to monitor safety (‘spotter’).